Using this, the “threat sniffer” who is noticing some unfamiliar activities from a single IP can scan so that the false positives and false negatives can be distinguished and hit the target if the IP is a notorious one. The first way to use Nmap is to use the command to scan single IP.Being vigilant and prepared allows the admin to quickly respond to attacks.

The detailed network analysis enables the admin who built the system to protect on a network to have complete detail about the packet traffic. Nmap mainly aims at protecting the network by performing a sniffing which leads to detailed network analysis. Nmap can be used for specific utilities as mentioned in the list above, and specific tasks can be accomplished by utilizing various options available with Nmap.In Kali Linux, analyzing network or in hacking terms, we call it as “sniffing network” is an important skill and tools for the same is without a doubt the absolute necessity so that we can uncover the potential attacks possible in the weak points in the network and fix them to safeguard our system. Also important to note that Nmap was adjudged as a security product of the year by Linux Journal, Info World and many such associations. Nmap utilizes novel ways of using IP packets for determining the hosts available on the network, services offered by the hosts, operating systems they are running on, types of packets or firewalls being used and many such characteristics. In addition to the tasks mentioned earlier, users find the use of Nmap in various other tasks like network inventory, managing schedules for any service upgrades, host monitoring, service uptime tracking etc. Kali Linux Nmap is defined as a utility which is extensively used by penetration testers for network discovery and auditing the security of a system.